Publication Year: 2021

Still lacking theoretical definitions, expanded universes are an artistic phenomenon often seen in science fiction literature as well as innarratives in other media. This text proposes a mechanism to explain how these universes come into...

Excerpt from the introduction: Given the economic deprivation and social exclusion that many Indigenous Australians face, it comes as little surprise that issues such as poverty, domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse also feature prominently...

When read straight through as a novel, Miss Cayley’s Adventures (1898-99) appears to reside singularly within the detective genre; this reading limits our understanding of the ways in which Grant Allen challenges the anxieties regarding...

Orna Levin discusses in her “Strange Genre-related Loops in a Novel-Short Story: The Tension between the Genres and their Cultural Context” the strange genre-related loops in Maya Arad’s novel (2009), through the tension between the...

My dissertation examines the ways in which the short-story cycle has provided a unique generic framework for representing and investigating the complex interplay of contending forces that constitute what we think of as the American...

“A House of Gravel” is a short-story cycle exploring the relationships between a family of four and the hardships wrought by those relationships, as well as their own individual hardships. Partially, “A House of Gravel”...

The Sanctuary in Polish Hill, a short story cycle set in the late 1900s to 2008, surrounds a women’s shelter in Polish Hill, Pittsburgh, PA. Ruta Laksa, a second-generation Polish immigrant, moves to the neighborhood...

First paragraph: I n 1990 Eli Yassif published a ground-breaking article, “The Cycle of Tales in Rabbinic Literature,” in Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature. Yassif argued that the phenomenon of the story-cycle, namely, a cluster...

“Glimpses of the World: The Vignette in 21st-Century American Fiction” examines the relationship between contemporary digital and print fictions that center their critique in the short form of the vignette. Delineating a media archeology of...