Frequently Asked Questions

Who is behind this site?

I’m Christopher Marcus and I am an independent artist and researcher. I write my own short story cycles and thus got interested in the form. Read more about my other story cycle projects here.

What types of materials are in this site index?

Freely available online articles from peer-reviewed academic journals or by authors with academic credentials as well as theses and dissertations.

If the material is available upon condition of a free subscription, i.e. creating an account, it may also be found but not generally.

Monographs about short story cycles, but only by title.

What definitions of short story cycle do you operate with?

I index articles with all – to my knowledge – available definitions, even if they differ somewhat in substance, like “composite novel” and “story cycle”. See Short Story Cycle Terms.

What materials are not available in the indexes on this site?

Theses or Dissertations that are embargoed are not indexed.

Materials that are only available via paid subscription or campus access.

Most materials that are available exclusively in non-English languages. I will not index anything but English materials in the foreseeable future, simply due to the language barrier.

Why are the entries not structured consistently?

I try to be consistent but I don’t have the time or wherewithal to index everything consistently. For the same reason you will sometimes notice differences in the layout.

How can I know when there is a new entry? is an archive site that is no longer be updated unless I receive submissions.

If you be so inclinded, you can follow its feed via

For this you need a good oldfashioned RSS Reader. Read more about this sadly somewhat forgotten method of following websites here:

Or drop me an email (chris AT shadeofthemorningsun DOT com) and I will notify you when I have a new article up!

Updated 24 Mar 2024